Antenatal Advice
- Diet should be nutritious, balanced, light, easily digestible, rich in proteins, minerals, and vitamins
Rest & Sleep
- Excessive and strenuous work should be avoided in the first trimester and last 4 weeks
- 8 hrs of sleep at night
- At least 2 hrs sleep after mid-day meals
- Regular bowel movements may be facilitated by regulation of diet, taking plenty of fluids, vegetable, and milk
- Should take a daily bath but be careful against slipping in the bathroom due to imbalance
Clothing, shoes, and belts
- Should wear loose but comfortable garments
- High heels should be avoided in advanced pregnancy
- Avoid constricting belts
Dental care
- Good dental and oral hygiene should be maintained
Care of breasts
- A well-fitting brassiere gives relief from the discomfort due to breast engorgement
- Should be avoided in 1st trimester and last 6 weeks
- Travel by vehicles having jerks - is better to be avoided
- Long journeys should be limited to 2nd trimester
- Air travelling is contraindicated in Placenta Previa, pre-eclampsia and severe anaemia
Smoking and alcohol
- It is better to stop smoking and alcoholism during pregnancy
- Heavy smokers have abortions or low birth weight babies
- Alcohol during pregnancy leads to foetal growth retardation
- 2 dose of TT – first dose in early pregnancy, second dose 4 weeks after the first dose
- If a mother received 2 TT doses in the last pregnancy and gets pregnant again within 3 years then only one booster dose of TT is recommended
- Hepatitis B vaccine, Influenza vaccine, Hepatitis A vaccine – Safety during pregnancy is not determined. Should be advised only in patients having a very high risk
- Strongly Contraindicated - Most of the live attenuated vaccines like Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella, Meningococcal, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine, Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, Oral poliovirus (OPV), Inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), Typhoid vaccine, Cholera vaccine, Plague vaccine, Japanese encephalitis Vaccine
- Folic acid 5 mg (better to start preconceptionally)
Ayurvedic Management
- In general, food having hridya, drava, madhura rasa, snigdha guna & processed with deepaneeya drugs should be used
- Navaneeta, Gritha & Ksheera should be advised
- Jeevaneeya oushadas can be used
- Rasayana drugs having Balya, Jeevana, Brimhana, Vayastahapana, Prajasthapana, sramahara, Hridya, Pushtidayaka, Sonitaprasadana, Agnideepana, and Medhya properties such as Satavari, Bala, Draksha, Amalaki, Guduchi, Jeevanthi, Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Gokshura, Yashti, etc can be used according to the condition
- For Garbhasthapana – Prajasthapana & Pumsavana drugs can be used
- For drinking – Boiled & cooled water should be used
- Ksheerapaka of Bala, Lakshmana, Bruhati respectively for first, second & third month of pregnancy