Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by qualitative impairment in social interaction and communication as well as repetitive stereotyped behavior, interests, and activities
Autism is Classified under pervasive developmental disorders. Pervasive developmental disorders have got the following types
Autistic disorder or autism
Asperger disorder
Rett syndrome
Childhood disintegrative disorder
PDD not otherwise specified
Triad of AUTISM
Impaired socialization
Impaired communication
Stereotypic behaviour
The child is always involved in solitary play with more attention to inanimate objects than peers.
Communication delay or total lack of development of language
Impairment in social interaction
Lack of eye contact
Preoccupation with one or more stereotyped restricted patterns of interest
Intellectual impairment
Language impairment
Based on clinical features
DSM 5 criteria
Comprehensive evaluation of
Social interaction and communication skills
Language and comprehension skills
Cognitive development
Associated conditions
Hearing and vision testing: to rule out comorbidities or other causes of developmental delays and behavioral disorders
Genetic testing: fragile X syndrome, tuberous sclerosis (if suspected)
Speech therapy
Occupational therapy
Family support and counseling
Ayurvedic Treatment
Adopt Unmada chikitsa
Importance to Snehapana and sodhana
Thiktaka gritha -if there is hyperactivity, temper tantrums
Kalyanaka gritha:- if higher mental faculties are to be addressed
Up to 1 year: given as drops: always one should have a proper assessment of agni before administering sneha kalpana - 2drops to 5 drops depending on agni
Above 1 year: always start with a minimum dose- even 2 drops will be sufficient to get the desired effect
Properly monitor the status of agni and increase the dose
Avipathi choorna
2to 5 years: ½ to ¼ tsp twice daily
5 to 10 years: ½ tab – 1 tsp twice daily
Samana oushadas
Kalyanaka gritha , Maha paishachika gritha , Chandanadi kasahaya
Manasamitra vatakam
1 to 5 years: ½ to ¼ tab twice daily
5 to 10 years: ½ tab – 1 tab twice daily
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