Blepharospasm is a type of focal dystonia in which there is an involuntary contraction of the muscles of the eyelids causing the closure of the lids
It is generally due to spasm of the orbicularis oculi (OO) muscles and occurs in a variety of disorders of the CNS, or may occur secondarily to ocular disorders
Peak age of onset is between the fifth and the seventh decade
Greater tendency to spread to adjacent body parts (usually within the first 5 years of history) than cervical and upper limb dystonia
Frequent blinking and irritation of the eye
Dry or watering eyes
Light sensitivity
Oedema of the lids
Spastic Entropion (in elderly people)
Forceful opening of the jaw
Retraction of the lips
Physical examination -involuntary contraction of the muscles of the eyelids
Medical history
The causative disease should be treated to prevent recurrences
Botulinum toxin injected subcutaneously over the orbicularis muscle
Facial denervation - in severe cases
Ayurvedic Treatment
Internal Medicines
Bhadradarvyadi kashaya
Vidaryadi kashaya
Dhanwanthara gritha
Massage - Dhanwanthara avarthi taila, ksheerabala (over eyelids and forehead)
Mukha Abhyanga - Mahamasha taila
Shasthika kizhi - Local application
Nasya - Dhanwanthara avarthi
Karna poorana - Bala taila
Sirodhara - Vatasini taila
Seka – Bala + Yashti + Eranda kashaya
Agnikarma along forehead
Salakya - Netra
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