Warts or Verrucae are benign proliferations of the skin and mucosa that result from infection with papilloma virus. These viruses do not produce acute signs or symptoms but induce slow growing lesions that can remain subclinical for long periods of time
Warts is a hyperkeratosis and hyperplasia of epidermis commonly caused by human papillomavirus (HPV)
Warts assume many clinical forms
Common warts (verruca Vulgaris): characterized by symptomless, firm papules with a rough horny surface. They are most commonly situated on the back of hands and fingers. Appearance is skin-colored or whitish (sometimes with a cauliflower-like appearance)
Flat warts (verruca plana): Localized to face, back of the hand, legs. Appears as flesh-colored, smooth papules, flat surface
Plantar wart (verruca plantaris): usually localized to the soles of the feet. A plantar wart at first appears as a small, shining, sago grain papule, but soon assumes the typical appearance of a sharply defined, rounded lesion, with a rough keratotic surface surrounded by a smooth collar of thickened horn
Filiform or digitate wart: occur commonly in the male, on the face and neck. They are irregularly distributed, often clustered
Anogenital warts: 30 to 50% of sexually active adults are infected with HPV. Most of them occur on the penis, scrotum, urethral meatus, and perianal area in men and on the introitus, vulva, perineum, and perianal area in women. Four morphological types are cauliflower-like(condyloma acuminate), popular, Keratotic, Flat-topped
Differential diagnosis
Corns: Epidermal ridges continue without interruption in warts, and corns have a hard painful translucent central core
Usually clinical diagnosis is done
Laboratory confirmation of HPV
Histopathology of lesions - Epidermal hyperplasia, Irregular hyperkeratosis, Koilocytes, Papillomatosis
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