Lichen planus is a sub-acute or chronic dermatosis that involve skin, mucous membranes, hair follicles and nails. At least two third of cases occur between the ages of 30 and 60 years
The four P’s – Purple, Polygonal, Pruritic , Papule is the abbreviation used to recall the constellation of symptoms and skin findings that characterize lichen planus. The disease has a predilection for the flexor surfaces of the forearm, legs, trunk and the genitalia including the glans penis
Lichen Planus may affect the skin, mucosa, scalp, genitalia, and nails and presents with varying symptoms. The condition is chronic and usually manifests with several relapses
Cutaneous eruption is characterized by small, flat topped, shiny, polygonal, violaceous papules that may coalesce into plaques. The papules often show a network of white lines known as Wickham’s striae. Itching is usually pronounced and Koebners phenomenon is commonly seen
Oral lesions of lichen planus are frequently found, either as sole manifestation of the disease or associated with cutaneous involvement. Most often consist of a lacy, reticular network of coalescent papules over the buccal or glossal mucosa
Nails are involved in 10% cases and show roughening, longitudinal ridging, thinning and dystrophy. Pterygium formation is a frequent finding
In Genital lichen planus, Papules are seen on glans penis or vulvovaginal area with pruritis, burning sensation and dyspareunia
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