Ask for:
- Family history
- Dietary intake
- Activities of the child
- History of excessive appetite: suggest a hypothalamic lesion
- History of CNS involvement
- History of drug intake:- eg:- steroids, clonazepam, and sodium valproate give rise to obesity
- Developmental history: delayed development is a feature of hypothyroidism
Assessment of obesity:
BMI: Weight (kg)/Height (m)2
- BMI > 30 kg/m2 or children with BMI above 95thpercentile are labelled as obese
Weight for height
- If the weight for height is greater than 120% child is labelled as obese
Skin fold thickness
- Measured over subscapular, triceps, and biceps. Values greater than the 85th percentile are abnormal
Also, assess the distribution of fat:
- Over neck and trunk: excess cortisol
- Buffalo hump: Cushing syndrome
Constitutional obesity: tall for age
Reduced rate of linear growth in a child with obesity is seen in
- GH deficiency
- Hypothyroidism
- Pseudoparathyroidism
- Cortisol excess
- Genetic syndromes like Prader- Willi syndrome
Secondary sexual characters
- Familial/ Diet-induced: enter puberty at the appropriate age/ mature more quickly
- Hormone deficiency like hypothyroidism, cortisol excess, various genetic syndromes: growth rate and pubertal development is delayed
- Coarse facies: hypothyroidism
- Moon facies: Cushing’s syndrome
- Almond-shaped eyes: Prader- Willi syndrome
Congenital Anomalies
Thoroughly examine a child for congenital anomalies
- Polydactyl and hypogonadism: Laurence- Moon- Beidl syndrome and Alstrom syndrome
Other features:
- Presence of striae and hirsutism: Cushing Syndrome
- Hypertension: Cushing's syndrome (Record blood pressure in all cases of obesity)
Systemic Examination:
- Hepatosplenomegaly: suggest glycogenosis
- Generalized hypotonia: Prader- Willi syndrome
- Mental subnormality: hypothyroidism, Prader- Willi syndrome, Pseudohypothyroidism
A relevant investigation based on the clinical cause
- Blood: TFT, Lipid profile, serum cortisol levels
- Genetic studies to rule out any genetic conditions
- USG Abdomen