Otitis externa is a condition of inflammation of the external auditory canal due to infection of the cutis and subcutis, possibly involving the tympanic membrane and the pinna. It is also known as swimmer's ear and it often occurs during the summer and in tropical climates
The most characteristic symptom is discomfort that is limited to the external auditory canal, and the most characteristic signs are erythema and swelling of the canal with variable discharge
Diffuse Otitis Externa - diffuse inflammation of meatal skin which may spread to involve the pinna and epidermal layer of tympanic membrane
Furuncle (localized Acute Otitis Externa) - Staphylococcal infection of the hair follicle. Patient usually presents with severe pain and tenderness which are out of proportion to the size of the furuncle. Movements of the pinna are painful. Jaw movements, as in chewing, also cause pain in the ear
Malignant (Necrotizing) Otitis Externa -Inflammatory condition caused by pseudomonas infection, usually in the elderly diabetics, or in those on immunosuppressive drugs
Otomycosis - Fungal infection of the ear canal that often occurs due to Aspergillus Niger, Fumigates or Candida Albicans
Severe pain in the ear (otalgia) due to irritation of the periosteum just under the thin dermis of the bony ear canal
The pain is typically worsened by pressure on the tragus or tension on the pinna – Tragus sign positive
Otorrhea, itching ,erythema, and swelling of the ear canal, potentially leading to conductive hearing loss
Intense itching
Discomfort or pain in the ear
Watery discharge with a musty odour
Ear blockage
The fungal mass may appear white, brown or black and has been likened to a wet piece of filter paper
Examination of the pinna, the surrounding lymph nodes, and the skin - pain induced by pressure on the tragus and tension on the pinna, along with swelling of the ear canal
Otosopic examination–
In otomycosis
Niger appears as black headed filamentous growth
Fumigates- pale blue or green
Candida as white or creamy deposit
Tuning-fork examination and audiological examination - typically reveal conductive hearing loss
Cleansing the ear canal
Topical antiseptic and antimicrobial treatment
Adequate analgesia
Primary oral antibiotic treatment should be given only if the infection has spread beyond the ear canal, in the setting of poorly controlled diabetes mellitus or immunosuppression, or if topical treatment is not possible
Ayurvedic Treatment
Internal medicine
Guggulu thikthaka kashaya
Pancha thiktaka kashaya
Guggulu pancha pala choorna
Kaisora guggulu
Mahatikthaka Gritha
Guggulu thikthaka Gritha
Kabala - Triphala Kashaya + Trikatu Choorna
Ear toileting
Karnadhoopana - Guggulu Varthi / Haridra
Lepa - Rasnajambeera around ears and TMJ
Salakya - ENT
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