Infection and inflammation of the upper genital tract involving the uterus, fallopian tube, and adjacent pelvic structures
Usually, an ascending infection and may include endometritis, salpingitis, tubo-ovarian abscess, and pelvic peritonitis
Symptoms may vary considerably, while some women are asymptomatic, others may complain of mild pressure pain and discharge or present with signs of systemic inflammation, such as fever and severe abdominal pain
Commonest symptom - Bilateral lower abdominal and pelvic pain
Right upper quadrant pain (if there is perihepatitis)
Temperature is elevated (>380C)
Abdominal examination– tenderness on both quadrants of the lower abdomen
Pelvic examination
Inspection - Foul-smelling purulent discharge
Speculum examination – congested cervix with purulent discharge from the canal
Bimanual examination – Tenderness in the fornices, which increases more with the movement of the cervix (cervical motion tenderness), tender adnexal masses, a fluctuant swelling in the pouch of douglas (pelvic abscess)
Lab studies – Gram staining and culture of discharge collected from the urethra, cervical canal, etc. to identify the organisms
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