- 6 lakh units of Vit D as a single oral or IM dose
Ayurvedic Treatment
- Use of Tila(Sesamum indicum), Guda in diet
- Ashta choorna, Thaleesadi choorna :
- Infant: 2-3 gm
- Toddler- 5gm
- School going- 7-10gm
- Anupana: honey or water or along with food
- Depending on the status of the child
- Mustarishta
- Abhayarishta
- Up to 2yrs- ½ tsp arishta diluted with 1 tsp water
- 2-5 years- 2.5ml-5ml diluted with 5 ml of boiled water
- 5-10 years- 10ml
- 10-15 years- 15ml
Gandharva hasthadi kashaya as Vata anulomana :
- Up to 1 year: for mother: 2tsp sookshma choorna is boiled in 2 glass water, strained and given to mother. If agni bala permits give 1 tsp thrice to the child
- 1 year to 5 years: ½ tsp powder boiled in 1 glass of water and given as divided doses mixed with sugar or jaggery
- 5 to 10 years: 1 tsp powder boiled in 1 glass of water and given as divided doses mixed with sugar or jaggery
- 10-15 years: 1 ½ tsp powder boiled in 1 glass of water and given twice daily mixed with sugar or jaggery
Brimhana therapies after correction of Agni:
- Indukanta gritha, Kalyanaka gritha
- Up to 1 years: given as drops: always one should have a proper assessment of agni before administering sneha kalpana -2drops to 5 drops depending on agni
- Above 1 year: always start with a minimum dose- even 2 drops will be sufficient to get the desired effect
- Properly monitor the status of agni and increase the dose
Preenana modaka: Priyalamajjadi modaka
Prashas and lehas: Chyavanaprasa ½ tsp to 2 tsp
- Pravala bhasma-
- Infant: 2gm
- Toddler- 3gm,
- School going- 5g
- Anupana: milk
Taila abhyanga
Dhanwantara taila, Mahamasha taila , Lakshadi taila