Scholastic backwardness is being increasingly identified as a major issue in children now a day. The child fails to perform in comparison to the average performance of the class
Usual Presentations
Poor academic performance
Lack of interest in reading and writing
Difficulty with spelling
Low mathematical skill
Poor grasp of abstract concept
Repeatedly failing in examinations
All these can be lead to poor self confidence, behavioral changes and stress related disorders.
Diagnosis of scholastic backwardness is made based on information provided by parents, teachers and individual assessment of children.
Investigative measures to rule out underlying physical or psychiatric problem should be carried out.
A major problem in scholastic backwardness is that it contributes to school dropout, especially after the primary school years. If not identified and resolved at proper time, it will have a lifelong impact on childhood, adolescent life, employment etc
The management strategy is planned by addressing the Physical, Psychological, Familial and Social aspects of the child
The areas like Parenting problems, non cordial family atmosphere, sibling rivalry, history of abuse, adjustment issues with school atmosphere etc should be enquired and measures ranging from reassurance and including family counseling to legal actions should be taken according to the gravity of the problem.
Satvavajaya Chikitsa
In general Deepana, Pachana and krimihara medicines are advised for the initial weeks followed by medicines with medhya properties. This can help in improving the attention, concentration and memory.
Specific medications for the underlying pathology should be followed.
Internal Medicines:
Mustarishta , Pippalyasava, Draksharishta
Krimighna vati
Kooshmanda swarasa ghrita, Brahmikalyanaka ghrita as Samana snehapana
Swetasankhupushpi choorna
Saraswata choorna
Saraswatarishtam with gold
Often not necessary. Certain procedures are done if some behavioral issues are associated because of the underlying etiology
Siro lepa
Manasika Roga
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