Tinnitus is ringing sound or noise in the ear in the absence of an external source. It can be unilateral or bilateral, acute or chronic, and intermittent or constant
Tinnitus is not a specific disease but a symptom that can be connected to a wide variety of etiologies, most commonly conditions associated with hearing loss
Subjective, which can only be heard by the patient
Objective, which can even be heard by the examiner with the use of a stethoscope
The patient will experience different types of sounds without an external source ( ringing, buzzing, roaring, hissing , rustling, swishing etc)
Tinnitus is more annoying in a quiet surrounding, particularly at night
Symptoms of underlying disease may be present as well (e.g. Hearing loss)
Audiological exams (Audiometry)
Imaging techniques according to cause
Need specific investigations to rule of non-otalgic causes of tinnitus
Reassurance and psychotherapy
Techniques of relaxation and biofeedback
Sedation and tranquillizers
Masking of tinnitus
Ayurvedic Treatment
Internal medicines
Drakshadi kashaya
Dusparshakadi kashaya
Dhanwanthara Gritha
Hinguvachadi choorna + lime juice
Thalam - Nimbamrutha eranda +Rasnadi choorna
Karnapoorana - Eranda sigruadi , Vachalasunadi
Jaloukavacharana- karnamoola
Shirodhara - Dhanwanthara taila
Oil for head – Asna vilwadi, Balaguduchyadi, Ksheerabala, Dhanwantara
Salakya - ENT
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