An inflammation of the flexor tendon sheath leading to a stenosing tenosynovitis
Patients experience locking or catching sensation during active flexion extension activity and often have a palpable nodule along the axis of the flexor tendon
It results from the constriction of the fibrous digital sheath, so that free gliding of the contained flexor tendon does not occur
Inflammation and hypertrophy of the retinacular sheath progressively restricts the motion of the flexor tendon
In adults – middle finger or ring finger is most affected
In children – thumb is affected commonly (stenosing tenosynovitis of flexor pollicis longus)
Pain at the base of the affected finger, especially on trying to passively extend the finger
Locking of finger in flexed position which releases suddenly with a snap/pop on extension
O/E – tendon nodule can be felt on the affected finger in front of the metacarpo-phalangeal joint
Tenderness over the flexor tendon sheath in the palm of hand
Rest- to prevent over use of affected finger
Splinting – to keep the affected finger in extended position
In early stages, local ultrasonic therapy provides relief
Local injection of hydrocortisone relieves the pain
Operative – longitudinal incision of fibrous sheath
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