- The term uveitis strictly means inflammation of the uveal tissue only. Clinically there is always some associated inflammation of the adjacent structures such as the retina, vitreous, sclera and cornea.
- Severe redness, pain, light sensitivity, blurred vision and dark floating spots in the field of vision are the warning signs of uveitis and can be associated with ocular inflammation alone or in association with systemic disease
Uveitis is often grouped by the part of the uvea it affects. There are four types of uveitis:
- Anterior uveitis
- Intermediate uveitis
- Posterior uveitis
- Panuveitis
In Anterior uveitis
- Inflammation involves the iris(iritis)
- The anterior ciliary body(cyclitis)
- Both (iridocyclitis)
Posterior uveitis
- Inflammation involving the choroid(choroiditis)
- Retina (retinitis)
- Both( chorioretinitis)
- Retinal vessels(retinal vasculitis)
Panuveitis involves all three parts of the uvea
Uveitis may extend to involve the cornea (keratouveitis) or sclera (sclerouveitis)