Dengue is an acute febrile infectious disease. It can be caused by all four serotypes (DEN-I,II,III,IV) of virus called dengue virus. The principal vector of the disease is a female mosquito called Aedes aegypti. Infected humans may serve as a source of infection to the mosquitoes.
Dengue virus infection may be asymptomatic or may c...
Negative-<0.9 (index)
Equivocal- 0.9-1.1(index) (repeat test after 1 week)
Positive->1.1 (index)
Negative : 1.64 IV or less
Equivocal : 1.64-2.85 IV (repeat test after 10-14 days)
Positive : >2.85 IV
When to get Tested
When there is s/s associated with Dengue following travel to an area where dengue is endemic or an outbreak is occurring (Sudden high fever (1040- f), Severe head ache or pain behind the eyes, Joint, muscle and bone pain, Gum and nose bleeds, Easy bruising, Low WBC)
Elevated Level
Decreased Level
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