Haematocrit literally means blood separation. It Measures the percentage of volume of packed red cells. Haematocrit is a ratio of the volume of red blood cells to the volume of whole blood. The value is expressed as percentage or fraction
It is also known as ‘’Packed Cell Volume” and is a reliable index of the red...
Adult male:
46% (40-50%)
Adult female:
42% (37-47)
When to get Tested
As a part of Complete Blood count
When there is s/s of anemia (weakness or fatigue, Lack of energy, fainting, pallor, shortness of breath, irregular heart beat)
When there is s/s of Polycythemia (Disturbed vision, dizziness, headache, flushing, enlarged spleen)
When there is s/s of dehydration (extreme thirst, dry mouth or mucous membrane, and lack of sweating or urination)
Elevated Level
High altitude (due to hypoxia)
Newborns and infants
Excessive sweating (due to haemo concentration)
Hypoxia e.g. congenital heart disease and emphysema
Conditions in which there is haemo concentration e.g. severe vomiting and diarrhoea (due to dehydration )
Decreased Level
Pregnancy (due to haemo dilution)
Excess water intake
sex predilection (lower in women )
Various types of anemia
Conditions in which there is haemo dilution and expansion of plasma volume e.g. hyper aldrosteronism
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