In allergic condition it can be given with vilwadi gulika and tulasi swarasa or with haridrakhanda
In chickenpox and herpes it can be given along with sudarsanam gulika
In wheeping eczema it is given along with avipathi choorna or kalyanaka gula
In plaque psoriasis it can be given along with manibhadra gula
In itchy skin lesion it can be given with dooshivishari gulika
In contact and atopic dermatitis it can be given along with amrita rajanyadi kashaya and dasangam gulika
15 ml- 20ml twice daily with 3-4 times of luke warm water depending up on the preparation, one hour before food or as directed by the physician
आरग्वधामृतापत्थ्याखदिरैः तं प्रसाधितम् ।
त्वग्विकाराम्लपित्तार्तैः पेयं देवैःर्यथाऽमृतम् ॥
Sahasrayogam-Visarpa visphota
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