It is useful in wide spectrum of conditions like Rickets, electrolyte imbalance liver cirrhosis, SLE , rheumatoid arthritis, peptic ulcer etc
It can be given for improving immunity after cure of typhoid, malaria, pneumonia etc
It is also given in gastro intestinal complaints like amlapitha and shoola
usually given for chronic upper respiratory tract infection
15 ml- 20ml twice daily with 3-4 times of luke warm water depending up on the preparation, one hour before food or as directed by the physician
पूतिका दारु दशमुल कषाय सिद्धम्।
स क्षीर षडपलयुतं घृतमिन्दुकान्तं॥
वातामयक्षय महोदर गुल्म शूल।
निम्नोन्नतज्वरहरं बलवर्धनं च॥
Sahasrayoga. Kashaya made from Gritha yoga
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